Pop up fitness class for Mums and their high school age kids :-)

Pop Up Fitness Class! :-)

Thursday 4th August
Hatton Park Village Hall
7pm to 8pm

We are very excited to be able to run our first pop up class for Mum's and their not so little ones! Come along without your babies, bring a friend, or bring high school age children along for a work out too.

This will be a fun, high energy circuits based class, with loud music and a friendly vibe we would love to see you on the 4th August at Hatton Park Village Hall.

Fitness & health for women, of all ages, is an enthusiasm for us at Mum & Me Fitness and something we care so much about. However from talking to many Mums, and reading sporting literature, it is often the case that girls stop playing sport once they hit high school. From what we understand, there aren't that many opportunities for them to get involved in fitness either.

So the idea to hold a fitness class which is for high school kids to come along to with their Mums seems to us to be super positive on a number of fronts.

We are running this class for:

Mum's who wish to come along to get in great shape

Mum's to come along to with their high school age kids, which will give them the chance to spend time together getting fit and having fun

Teenagers, over the age of 16 (without a parent), who wish to get super fit whilst learning the correct techniques and training methods

And if you have any friends who wish to join us, we would love to meet them too
Currently we are just running the one pop up class but if you guys want to get on board with us we will make it a regular class.

If you have any questions please just let us know and please also pass the invite on to all of your friends too.

Thank you
Team Mum & Me x

Hatton Park Village Hall



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